The up-date for last week: Ana has had chickenpox. We've been together at home and she was a trouper. Barely had any fever, playing happily, we've been cooking together, painting together (so I've had my share of fun). On Wednesday I had to go to work so she had fun with daddy.
And so, coming to this week's news, daddy is traveling abroad and we are on our own. This is the first time since before Ana was born that I'm alone with the kids for such a long time. I am anxious to see how we'll do. Piece of cake ! I'll have to
-feed kids in the morning
-take the kids to school/ day care by bus/bike
-prepare parcels for the shop and take them to post office (bus/bike)
- work from home until 4 p.m. (meanwhile tidy -up the house, start first washing, unload machine, start second load )
-pick-up the kids from afternoon club/ daycare (again bus/bike)
-cook dinner
-feed kids
-do homework with Andrei
-keep kids happy (draw, read, play, cook, watch TV)
-bath kids (keep them from killing each over over GoGo's or something else)
-put kids to bed (start at 7:30 so they would sleep at 9:30)
-clean up the " remains of the day"
-hang laundry, iron the dried stuff, load washing machine for next day
-prepare parcels for the shop
-finally go to bed
-wash, rinse and repeat.
Also tomorrow Andrei's friend will come with us in the morning and afternoon to and from school, tomorrow evening they go together to this club where they build cool mini models for cars and planes and ships, and on Wednesday Andrei has soccer practice. And a million other little things, like preparing a surprize for father's day.
And have I mentioned the laundry? We'll go to the library one evening, we'll have friends visiting us and try to make the best of the situation.
Also, let's not forget the laundry!
Yes, we'll be fine!
Wednesday, Nov 4th
It seems I can't keep- up with writing AND posting in time. The last two days have been chaos. The kids were ill so they have been at home with me. Andrei has lung infection AGAIN and he is taking Amoxicilin , Ana is mostly OK , but poor souls I had to drag them with me to run my errands walking, changing buses, cycling. It was very hard on Andrei, but they were both cheered up with a little Kinder chocolate egg. There's nothing like a little bribing to get you out of trouble.
Mi se pare ca esti in control asupra intregii situatii. Nu simti cata putere ai? Te descurci cu toate si copiii invata si ei din asta. Mult succes in continuare! -- L.
ReplyDeleteMultumesc, ca intotdeauna imi ridici moralul cu o mica incurajare. Ne vedem maine, mult succes si voua la test.